
The link on the right will take you to the download page on payloadz. The Specialty Orb, is a modest $5.99. This is a one-time fee. There are no in-game fees or charges.

Metatool Functions

FREEDOM -- Everyone wants Freedom! Really? How many people do you know who actually WANT FREEDOM??? There are millions of folks trapped in lousy jobs, miserably painful marriages, relationships, situations and personal mental/emotional states, yet when offered the chance to escape, they choose, very deliberately and usually irreversibly, to remain in an abusive relationship rather than leave it and have none at all. Freedom is…well, Freedom. When the chains are off, there's no one there on the other end of Free.

"This is free and is a beautiful, healing, environment to get your spiritual bearings, and explore freedom within yourself."


"Freedom ! If the Heart could speak, this is how it would do so!!! Thank you :)"


"Wow just ran Freedom..what an awesome orb!"
